It is starting to come off like the show is desperate for anyone to step in place of some of the ones that aren't on anymore or to often.
I cracked the vertebrae of my neck after securing the transmitter around. In a later deleted Instagram post, Sheets revealed that he suffered a small heart attack and complications in the form of a lung infection in early 2019. There is just stuff about them that is not likable at all. a storage unit but it would stick out way too much in this neighborhood. During his time on Storage Wars, Sheets dropped a large amount of weight with the aid of Nutrisystem, according to PR Newswire, and divorced wife Kimber Wuerfel. The new ones they have been bringing in are just not cutting it.
From what I saw when looking up who they were, they have been trying to get on tv for awhile now. The whole "OMG this is vintage" when its far from vintage just bugs me. I tried to look it up and found nothing but we figured he was another one of his kids or nephew like you said. I hope for his sake that his stupidity is part of the shctick the producers want from him because otherwise hoo boy!
I read somewhere (I think the wiki article on Storage Wars) that he is Darryl's nephew. Dave Hester, star of A&Es hit reality series Storage Wars, and rapper/singer Trey Songz have settled the lawsuit over who gets to say YUUUP.

I like when she and Brandy team up with the new auctioneer - three nice gals :). I still can't stand her voice or her laugh or her "silly little me, giggle, giggle" attitude especially when she first came on, but overall I think she's a nice person and her persona has improved over the years. I didn't catch it before but who is Chad to Darrell? There is something about that guy that was pretty creepy like too I thought. The old SM acct for their store hasn't been used in a long time and the line for the store is dead. Discover short videos related to boom storage wars on TikTok. That is the only thing I see linked to his acct. I can't see his clothing line selling to many. ET Source: Instagram/marypadian Ever since it first premiered in 2010, Storage Wars has captivated millions of would-be treasure hunters with its mix of adrenaline-pumping bidding and remarkable finds. I figured they are doing the show still as it might be their only income coming in at this point. I am guessing at this point unless most viewers know that these 2 don't have their stores at all they don't question things with the show. My husband said maybe not if they didn't want viewers just showing up but I disagree. I would think they would gladly splash it all over their SM accts if they had a new store and where it was or if they even sold at swap meets. I don't think they are selling at swap meets either. I can't find anything for them having a store. Are they doing swap meets or selling online or something? IF they've reopened a store that would make more sense. I know it's tv, but these shows are just ignorant.I didn't catch that part but I kept wondering why they were buying lockers if they don't have a store. In recap, the seller is portrayed to have to have made out big on his unit to the tune of a $1500. to break even on the deal, but if Stewart would sign and date the kit it would be worth $3000. Stewart told the seller that the kit was worth $1000. When Stewart suggests piecing the kit out, the seller balked, but did sell him a turkish Zildjian ride for $40. My guess would be an Accent or similar kit. At Stewarts, the drums are set up and as the camera scans the kit, it is clearly a newer kit due to the oval Ludwig badges and non classic style lugs. The buyer, talking to the camera, is overjoyed at his find and states that he will take them to his friend Stewart Copeland for an appraisal. Note that due to the way our search algorithm works, some gifs here may only be trangentially related to the topic - the most relevant ones appear first. There is also what looks to be a faded WMP Slingerland floor tom and 3 cheap looking snares all for $1500. Weve searched our database for all the gifs related to Yup Storage Wars. When he dug out the drum he found a complete gold wrapped 5pc kit with hardware and cymbals. One of the regulars bid on and won a unit based solely on the the Ludwig bass drum he saw in the back of the clutter.

For those that may not be familiar with Storage Wars, it is a reality show dealing with the auctions of the contents of abandoned storage units. As the story goes, when A&E auctioneer Dan Dotson ( pictured: right) missed a storage locker bid from Hester during Friday’s Palm Springs taping, producers told the series regular bidder to tell.