Modify the following setting in the jas.ini to specify the Print Immediate functionality for batch jobs: See "Submitting at the Command Line" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Batch Versions Guide.

At print time, you can override the printer from P986116 when the job has completed processing. When you submit a job using RUNUBE, if you do not indicate a printer name through the command line parameters, the printer name stored in the specifications is used at print time otherwise, the default printer is used.

At print time, once the job has completed processing, you can override the printer for the child report from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Work With Servers (P986116) application. When batch jobs are submitted using report interconnects, the child report inherits the printer definitions from the parent report. See Customizing the Location of Report Output.ĭepending on the printer that is selected, the system selects the corresponding Printer Definition Language on the Advanced tab of the Printer Selection form at runtime. User override of defined printer at submission time. Printer defined in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Printer Application (P98616) using this hierarchy: The printer definition becomes part of the report specifications. If no printer is defined in RDA, the system uses the default printer defined in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Printer Application (P98616.) The system determines a printer based on this hierarchical structure:ĭo_Initialize_Printer called in the Report Event Rule. When you submit batch versions to a printer, the system looks first for the printer defined in RDA.
#Printer selection software#
An OSA library created by the vendor of the third-party software to which you are exporting the report might store the OSA output in a different location.
#Printer selection pdf#
For example, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Extended Markup Language (XML) interface creates an XML file in the same location where the PDF and CSV outputs are stored. The location of the output is determined by the OSA interface. The CSV viewer is launched automatically by the system when processing of the batch version is complete.Įnables you to export the report to a third-party software application. The report is displayed through a CSV viewer, such as Microsoft Excel. Adobe Reader is launched by the system when the processing of the batch version is complete.Įnables you to modify output options from the Printer Selection form.Įnables you to generate both a CSV and a PDF file. See "Submitting Batch Versions" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Batch Versions Guide.Įnables you to generate a PDF file that is displayed through Adobe Reader. On the web client, batch versions are submitted only to the server.įrom the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Menu on the web client.įor easy access, you can add a report as a task on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Menu. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Batch Versions - Web Version (P98305W) application on the web client.
#Printer selection windows#
The system launches the child batch version from a batch application or interactive application submitted from either the Microsoft Windows client or the web client.

You must define the report interconnect in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Report Design Aid (RDA). The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Batch Versions (P98305) application on the Microsoft Windows client.Īnother report or interactive application using a report interconnect.

You can submit batch versions to the server using these methods: When the batch version is submitted to the server for processing, a message is sent to the server with the defined data selection, data sequencing, and other information necessary to run the report, such as report interconnect values and printer information. The server handles batch processing more efficiently than the workstation. This method is used primarily by UBE developers. You have the option to view the output on screen or send it to a printer. When you submit a batch version locally, the Microsoft Windows client immediately launches the batch engine process. You can submit a batch version to run locally on a Microsoft Windows client, or you can use any client to submit the batch version to a server. You must use a batch version to process a report.